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NON MI TOCCARE, GRAZIE (Do Not Touch Me, Thanks), painting wooden frame, paper, 2011
Yiannis Melanitis
conceptual artist (Greece).
His work initiates from a strong conceptualization on the strategies of the contemporary artist, implying the use of specific artistic media for each artistic purpose, varying from biology and science-aided works to installations, performances, critical texts, paintings and drawings.
Latest exhibitions:
2012, Belgium, Gallo-Romeins Museum, MANIFESTA9 parallel events
2012, Brasilia:
opening 28 March- 30 April 2012
Kryographia installation at Museu Nacional, Brasilia / National Museum, Brasilia
The transformation from one artform to another may distort the concept which the artwork represents.
By changing the perspective dimensions of painting , as we enter to sculpture, the two-point perspective has cut off a part of the painting.
The space lost may be repented in sculpture, if we consider it logical to represent it based on the surrounding space.
However, this is a compromise- the "lost space" may take up a few centimetres or several miles; To be exact, it takes up a space that reaches our viewing point.
The artist chooses if he will represent that space at his sculptural synthesis. At the work Condensed Christ, this space has been omitted and the sculpture can be viewed from a single viewing point so the illusion cannot be detected; This viewing point is exactly the same with the viewing point of Andrea Mantegna’s painting.
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50 Euro, stamped with the artists' symbol (owl) and put in public use on 25-02-2011
DNA of the artist. The Human Replica. (1999)
The DNA sample of Yiannis Melanitis, now kept in 0 C freeze,
is offered to researchers who want to clone human genetic material.
The storage of human D.N.A. material is done by the Souther Cross Genetics
at the Genetics Storage Center.
Southern Cross Genetics is an institution that has been established for the storage of human D.N.A. material.
This concept is about considering the body of the artist as the basis of artistic replicating.
What kind of an artist ?
One who fabricates the future through the construction of a transgressive anatomy.
Copyright © Yiannis Melanitis 2012, All Rights Reserved. No part of this website may be reproduced without written consent from the author.
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